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Radwinter Village Hall Charity

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on Tuesday 17th May 2011

Present: Rev'd Gillian Mann (Chair), Councillor Stephen Graves, Mrs Shirley Orrock, Councillor Katherine Shoolheifer, Councillor Sue Schneider, Mrs June Tupper, Mrs Wendy Rowley and 30 members of the public.

1. Gillian Mann welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked everyone for coming. She said that the Village Hall was a valuable asset for the village and also thanked the Village Hall Management Committee for their hard work in past years in running the hall.

2. Apologies were received from Robert Walker, Mark Hall, Dave Smith and Vicky

3. Stephen Graves gave a report on the progress of the Village Hall Charity, as the new scheme is entitled. The new scheme was agreed by all parties and signed on 2nd March 2011. The administration of the new scheme would be by 7 Trustees:
2 ex-officio (Rector, Chair of parish Council)
2 appointed (PCC and PC)
3 elected

In the interim between the signing of the scheme and the first AGM, the acting Trustees, Sue Schneider, June Tupper had agreed to remain as Secretary and Treasurer, respectively and Gillian Mann agreed to be Chair

The land was vested with the Official Custodian Trustee.

Councillor Graves read out a summary of the scheme to those present (see separate document)

4. Treasurer's Report

June Tupper gave a short report of the accounts.

The balance in the General A/C: £931 16

Received from new scheme 2/3/11: £3,314 72

£4,245 88

Payments: £727 37

New Balance: £3,518 51

There are five outstanding cheques of £155. 20 to go through the account

The insurance premium of £2,315. 31 is due to be paid on 1st June

Other large expenses for the hall were heating and the cleaning. It was noted that the hall does need some work doing, particularly in the corridor leading to the toilets. The roof in the kitchen also required attention, as did the security of the hall.

The rents of the cottages were mentioned. They are of market value, but not for public information. The agent for the cottages is FDPM.

5. Seven candidates were standing for the three elected Trustees. Voting papers were given out and were counted in a separate room by Katherine Shoolheifer and Wendy Rowley. The results were as follows:
1. Sue Bright
2. Paul Camp
3. David Bacon

Gillian Mann thanked all those who stood and congratulated the new Trustees.

6. Open Discussion

Kay Pilsbury suggested that there should be a five yearly inspection of all the premises on a regular 5 year basis.

General discussion on hire charges and how best the Village Hall should serve the community. Free lets to local organisations was considered but generally felt that the fees should remain, but to continue as before with no charge for the Doctor's surgery and after a resident's funeral. There is no charge for Post Office heating and lighting.

Who provides the Post Office rent? The Parish Council.

Gillian Mann thanked everyone and the meeting closed at 8.40 pm.